Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thoughts on Partnering with Parents in Ministry

With Christmas break in full swing I have had time to sit and think about this past year of ministry and few huge things I have picked up. One them being, the importance of partnering with parents in youth ministry. I used to be fearful of parents when it came to mixing them in with the ministry I was a part of, I'm not sure why. I sort of had this paranoia or "parentnoia" when it came to spending time with them. I was afraid of what they would think about me and the ministry I was doing. I would worry about being judged by them or that they would think I wasn't doing a good job. In some extreme cases I felt like they were trying to get me fired. I chalk this all up to being young and insecure. I can confidently say that I no longer have those feelings when it comes to parents of students I get to work with. They are the complete opposite. I have come to be these parents biggest cheerleader, realizing that we are on the same team. We both want their Jr. High student to mature, grow in their own faith and really understand who Jesus Christ is in their life.

One of the ways we like to get the parents involved in the ministry is by inviting them be part of our services. We have a "Parents Night" where students are encouraged to bring Mom and Dad with them to our mid-week program. This is a night where the parents experience youth group, not just sit in the back and watch their students. We try to get them involved in the game (think of the newlywed game only with parents and their son or daughter). We invite them to be a part of worship and listen in on the lesson for the night (it always makes me a little nervous, seeing how I am the one teaching). We also invite them to our Christmas party Lip-Sync so they can see how talented their students are. There are always tons of laughs and plenty of cookies to go around. I have come to truly appreciate the parents of our students, they are encouraging and inspiring.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thought on Blogging

I have never had the gift of writing, I'll be honest. I am a terrible speller, and horrible at grammar. Thank the good Lord for peer reviews because if I didn't have people checking my papers in college I don't think I would have graduated. Time has passed since graduation and I find myself trying to start a healthy habit of blogging some of my thoughts and ideas. Maybe one or two people read this, but my hope is that I can reach some sort of audience through this.

My first encounter with a blogger was with my good friend Joel Mayward. We worked together in the Jr. High Ministry at Red Mountain Community Church and through that time I got to see a guy that passionately believed in sharing his thoughts and views with people on the inter-web. He would blog about his week with his wife, about the movies he would see, about the youth event we pulled off. He would blog about various things that he was passionate about and wanted to share with others. I'll be honest, when I first saw him do it I made fun of him for it. He took it in stride and even wrote a blog about me as his intern. (Not trying to brag but it got quite a lot of hits!) The seed was planted, it just took a while for it to grow.

Years later I have started this blog, and am trying to get in the habit of posting often enough to where I can say I am a true blogger. Does that mean I will have a million readers? Probably not, but it does mean I will have a healthy way of sharing my thoughts on things going on in my life with others. I'll try to keep them interesting.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friendship Chronicles: Fernando Cota Edition

I guess the saying "opposites attract" applies in more ways than just with girls. I am talking about the type of friendship that brings a person in your life that sometimes makes you ask yourself "how did we even become friends?... in a good way. Allow me to introduce my good friend Fernando Cota or Fern, as he goes to most.

I met Fernando during my freshmen year of college. It wasn't until my sophomore year at Southwestern College though, that Fern and I became really good friends. Fern was my accountability partner through this lame version of mens group that some students were putting on. I can honestly say that his friendship was the only real solid thing that came from that "Barbarian way/Wild at Heart" mens group.  

Fern and my friendship is based largely on opposites and balance. He is the quiet friend that I need in my life to call me out when I am being ridiculous. He is the friend that can make me laugh with only a few words. Like I said, he has a very dry sense of humor but is solid none the less. We also work in the same Jr. High ministry at North Ridge Community Church. He came on staff when I became the Jr. high pastor and it has been a blessing watching him grow and mature as he ministers to Jr. High students. Fern's friendship is the type that produces good character in both of us. We can bring anything to the table no matter how tough the conversation is, we both will walk away sharper and better off. Fern is the type of friend that will probably be sitting with me on the porch with our future wives as we watch the sunset. Until then, we are having a great time just being bachelors 'til the rapture.

Fern has one of the driest sense of humors, he is a man of few words. However, when he does talk it's one of three things: One, something thoughtful and profound; two, something sarcastic and hilarious, or three, something thats going to poke fun of me. Fern is the classic middle child where he likes to chill below the radar but isn't a guy you would forget when you meet him. Fern is studying to get his masters and is pursuing the idea of going into ministry with some sort of counseling involved. He also slaps the bass pretty darn well! 

Random Facts about Fern:
- He plays the Saxophone. Thats just classy. 
- He drives a Jeep and is a firm believer in the "Jeep to Jeep wave".
- He is solid bass player.
- He is single, Ladies...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thoughts on "Friday Night Lights"

Recently Friday Night Lights wrapped up its final season and said good-bye to many fans. I could tell you about how I got something in my eye and how it began to water many times as I watched the final show, but just recalling all those emotions would only bring it back and I could lose my man card for that. The series finale truly caught the essence of why so many people fell in love with this amazing show.

It was no secret that the ratings on this show weren't the highest of any TV program, which I believed had to do with what made the show so unique and great. The uniqueness that really made us fall in love with FNL came in two parts, family and football. These two elements had never been woven together before like this for an audience, families were turned off by the moral complexity; whereas sports fans often found the games not very realistic and somewhat way too short. FNL was never really show that viewers could just sit and lounge on the couch and be entertained. This made it very difficult to find a genre to call home only to be loved by dedicated fans that enjoyed that it didn't fit in with other TV shows.

I came to the conclusion that Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) and wife Tami (Connie Britton) had one of the best TV marriages of all time (I would place them even above this lovely couple). Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton had a gift for making the audience feel a part of their marriage from their fights, to their love for each other as husband and wife (SPOILER! This is shown in Coach's decisions to follow his wife to her dream job in the series finale) and on top of all that, their inspiring partnership as parents to their daughters and the players. Side note: Both are up for an Emmy, to which I hope they win!

The writing for FNL has always been astonishing, that is, if you don't count the weird murder plot line in season two but, then again who does? It was not surprising to watch an episode full of so much heart that allowed us fans to come full circle. To watch some of the players being interviewed by reporters (in season one we got Jason Street this time around we got Vince), gave the audience a great feeling of nostalgia.

The series finale had Coach and his team going for the state championship, this was a real nail biter (SPOILER! This might of had a lot to do with the fact that the whole game was show in silence only to have us wait in suspense to find out if the Lions had won state or not). The suspense helped deliver the message that it wasn't about whether they won or lost, but about the journey that Coach and the Lions took together. I feel like this reflected even the shows outlook, capping off their finale in the same way, that it wasn't about ratings or awards but the journey that the show and the fans took together these past five seasons. To which we thank you FNL for amazing show and journey it has been. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thoughts on Fathers Day

This past Sunday I found myself at church telling several different dads "Happy Fathers Day". It was a nice feeling to look at them as they looked at their kids and smile. It was something that touched me in my deeply in many ways.

I myself don't have the great relationship with my father. This is something that truly saddens me at times and is something I wrestle with often. I love my dad very much and I do realize that I wouldn't be here in this world if it wasn't for him. No really I wouldn't, babies come from a mom and dad incase you weren't filled in on that little bit of knowledge when you were little. There are certain characteristics that I have gotten from my dad, for instance  he taught me that a man's character and word are the most important thing a man has. He taught me to be proud of where I came from and of our name (yes, pride in the last name is a mexican culture thing... I think). These are a few things I learned from him that have stuck with me all these years.

This past fathers day, I found myself getting frustrated because of somethings but I found myself drawing close to the idea that I might not have the greatest relationship with my dad but I have a heavenly father that I have a great relationship with and that is one relationship I can continually draw close to. There is no doubt in my mind that my dad loves me, or that he cares about me, I do love him and care for him very much and no matter how strained our relationship is. He will always be my dad and someone I thank God for.

I just wanted to wish my dad a happy fathers and hope that he knows that I am glad he is my father and that I pray for him continually. I love you dad! Happy fathers day to Ramiro F. Rubio and the rest of the dads out there. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thoughts on Jr. High Summer Camp

Its been a week since I had the great honor of leading about 39 Jr. high students and 6 leaders to Forrest Home for our Jr. High summer camp. I'll be honest even though I am young I am just now fully recovering from all the craziness.

Camp was filled with good times and plenty of crazy things went on in that week. From Rec with our amazing blue team (we took second this year...BUMMER!) to being one of the MC's for the entire camp. All in all it was a lot of work but looking back on it now after I slept for three days straight afterwards, it was all worth it.

Highlights from camp
-Spending time with all the Jr. Highers from North Ridge Community Church
-Cabin time with some of the guys in my cabin (solid discussions)
-Blobbing our leader Ross and watching him do a full black flip (I still say we should of won the contest)
-Being and MC for the camp and giving out a million high-fives daily different Jr. High students.
-Watching the students worship.
-Spending time with other great Jr. high Pastors that share the same passion as me.
-Seeing young college students fall in love with ministry and hanging with the Jr. High students.

Camp was a blessing to be a part of and now that it is over it is time to look forward to the rest of the summer and ride that momentum built from such a great experience. I'll be praying that God can use all that time up there to bring our group together and push us to pursue Him more deeply.

Summer camp is always a blast and is something I know the students I shepherd look forward to. What do you do for the summer at your church?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Friendship Chronicles: Joel Mayward Edition

Have you ever met someone and at first you weren't sure what to think of them but after some time you start to see this person becoming a huge part of your life and no I am not talking about a girl. I am talking about my good friend/mentor/ spiritual older brother Joel Mayward.

Joel came into my life the fall of 2007 as my boss and the new Jr. High Pastor (Or director however you see it) at Red Mountain Community Church when I was starting my second year as an intern. The first time we actually spoke Joel actually asked me out to dinner to talk and catch up since we would most likely be working with each other. (Yes, we had a bro-date at Applebees and it was magical!) In this first time talking and getting to know each other I began to see a guy that would influence practically every fiber of my life. 

Joel has a huge heart for all things, he is true man after God's own hear. He has inspired me to be a better person and man of God. He is a great dad to my adopted nephew Copland (or as I like to call him Carlos). He is deeply passionate about leading the youth of today (Jr. High or now High School) to come to know the Lord in a more deeper and meaningful way. This is one area that he has greatly influenced in my life and one he continues to do through our times together. 

Joel and I share a deep love for movies, this was one of the first threads that brought us closer as friends. We have had many conversation about movies and their plots or characters, which ones are good and which ones we did not like. Through this bond Joel has helped me see deeper meaning in movies. i have grown even more to appreciate a fine cinematic adventure. Maybe someday we will do battle and through the board game Scene It to decided who the real movie nerd is. 

Random Facts about Joel:
- He is allergic to EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. Pollen, beans even poodles. 
- He loves to give High- Fives like they are going out of style
- He is constantly blogging about something (Check link above)
- He is always reading about 100 books at a time.

Joel thank you for all you have done in my life. You are true friend and a great brother in my life. 

Thoughts on making mistakes.

Have you ever done something that you wished you hadn't? I really mean that, has there ever been a moments that you wished you could hit the rewind button and go back and let it play out in a different way. Bad consequences make spur of the moment life decisions hard. It's like one minute you are enjoying yourself in that moment only to wake up and have the rug pulled out from under you and BAM! You are in deep deep dookie. (Sorry for the kindergarten talk.)

This past week I was feeling overwhelmed a little bit and just stressed with some stuff in my life. I lost the feeling to really do anything and just seemed to float through the week. I started to notice and kept telling myself I needed to pick up the slack or wake up. The sad thing is, I was good at acting like I was going through it all but really I was somewhat going through the emotions. Well that all caught up to me this weekend. Now I am at a lost on what will happen and what to do...

Here are my thoughts; I am going to face them. All my troubles head on. No more running, no more being afraid of the outcome and not facing them. No matter how hard things get or how hard things will be I have no other choice but to face them. To apologize where I need to apologize and face the consequences and out come what ever they may be. It’s easy to say these things, but a whole lot harder to live them out. I am praying that I am able to be a man of character, a man of God and face my trouble, knowing that God has my back and its not His fault that I am going through hardships but my own. Although it is my fault I know that the Lord is there and I won't have to face these things alone.

These are just a few thoughts I have been processing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thoughts at the moment...

My mind is all over the place right now. Even as I sit at work I find my mind jumping from one thing to another and this makes it very hard to write about one specific something. So instead I am just going to list a few things that have been on my mind.

I am a Jr. High Pastor at North Ridge Community Church and really enjoy the role that I fill at the church. I have some amazing Jr. High students and felt great joy watching them sit in church this past Sunday taking notes and listening to one our pastors teach. It was even cooler to get a prayer card from one of my 6th grade guys asking for prayer for his walk with God. It is truly a blessing to see these young followers of Christ in their walk with the Lord.

I am praying that God continues to grow me and mature me as I continue to do the work that I feel He has called me to do. To shepherd these students and walk alongside them as they began to discover not only who they are but who they are in Christ.

These past couple weeks the college group I go to has been going through this series on relationships. It has been some really challenging stuff to think about. It goes along with some of the stuff I have been wrestling with in my own life of "What does a healthy relationship look like". Some of the stuff has been challenging to hear but all of it has been thought provoking and hitting close to home. I am still no where near figuring out relationship stuff that confuses me. But I am really enjoying the journey that God is taking me on to understand it better.

I am praying that in any relationship I might have in my life whether that be dating, friendship, family and even with my students. I desire them to all to look like the relationship I have with my Savior. After all it is the best model of what a healthy relationship looks like.

My Past
This is something that I am always wrestling with no matter where I am at in my life. My past failures, my past triumphs, my past hurts, my past joys etc... There is always plenty of things to think about when it comes to this but I will share more on this in another entry.

Just a few of my thoughts.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Friendship Chronicles: Josiah Harvey Edition

I have been blessed with a lot of great people in my life. Ranging from my very large Mexican family (I come from a family of 12 in case you didn't know) also from the amazing group of friends. God has truly blessed me with these people because they are the ones that see all of me and still love me no matter what. So I began to think it was time I brag about the people in my life and give the world a brief glimpse of how truly amazing they are.

Have you met Joey...?

Joey (Josiah Harvey) is a man of few words. He is a friend that has become a huge part of my life. He was the first person I met my first year of college (Southwestern College, now know as Arizona Christian University). Have you ever met someone for the first time and could just tell that you would get along with them really well, thats what happen with Joey and I. He is great friend who always listens before he speaks. He is a very relaxed guy but also has s very quick wit. He might not look like he is paying attention to what is going on around him but in reality Joey is taking in every detail and waits for the best moments to express himself. He is one of the few people I know that truly enjoys giving me a hard time. To everyone else he is quiet but to me he is the friend that just loves to pick on me.

Joey hails from the land of Farmington New Mexico. He has two brothers that look a lot like him and yet are completely different then him. Joey has a great grasp on reality and is often times a voice of reason to me. He enjoys all sorts of music ranging from the classical or the very loud Mega Death this is what contributes to his knowledge of knowing every lyric ever written down. He lead played basketball in high school and is still very talented in the sport. In his spare time he enjoys watching great tv shows such as Chuck or The Big Bang Theory and is a fellow movie lover (one of the many reason we get along).

One of my favorite memories of Joey would be the year we roomed together in college and getting up at almost three in the morning to go get some Federicos burritos. Also the conversations we shared have been some of the most thought provoking conversation I have ever had. He is a great friend and truly a blessing. God has blessed me and I am very sure many other people with having Joey in their life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thoughts on awkward situations...

Have you ever found yourself in situation and you just weren't sure what to do? You know a moment where no matter what you do or how you act things are just going to be "awkward". I found myself in one of those the other night. (Long story short I ran into my old girlfriend and her new boyfriend three times in the span of a two minutes. It was interesting.)

What do you do in this situations? How does one handle them?  That I am not sure, I somewhat think that my life is full awkward moments that when I look back at all I can do is just laugh at and share with my friends. Here are few awkward moments from my life.

-I swore at my first parents meeting as the new Jr. High pastor at my church. (No worries it was an accident)
-The first wedding I did for my brother and sister in law. I called the bride by the wrong name during the ceremony. (Thank the Lord she didn't turn into bridezilla)
-I once compared a girl I was dating to Tupperware. (It sounded a lot better in my head before it came out)
-My pants started falling down while I was on stage during my 9th grade production of the Wizard of Oz (I was the Tin man)
There are more but I will save them for another time.

After all the awkward situations I have faced this far in my life I have found the best way to handle is this: Face them head, running from them is only going to make things more awkward and weird for everyone. Just laugh at them! I mean just laugh, find some friends to share this awkward moment with and laugh together. I know that after all these "awkward" events I have laughed about them later with friends those laughs make it all worth it (Plus they make for good stories and object lesson during a sermon for any age.. If you can't change things why not just embrace them and enjoy its going to be one crazy ride. (Special thanks to Sam Cook and Lindsey Blowers for sharing in my most recent awkward moment)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thoughts on "Car Accidents"

Today has been a rough day to say the least. You ever wake up and get some kind of sign that this day is going to be rough. I was greeted with such omen this morning when I woke to my mom's text asking me to pray for her today. Now normally some might find this sweet; one mother asking their son to pray for her. But to me it just kind of started my day off weird. Now before you get all crazy and start thinking "Gus do you not love your mom?" or "Gus what do you have against praying?" Let me set the record straight and say I love my mom very much and and am always praying for her. But when my mom does something she normally doesn't do that is a red flag to me.

So today I went in to church and had to film some video announcements with another pastor Randy Williams or as I call him "Chief". So Chief and I go and film after we are done I head back to church to work on a few things. Well as  am driving back  the accident happens. ( I will spare you all the details, but know everyone is safe and there were no injuries. Well except to "Ellie" thats my car's name. Long story short I exchange info with the lady who's care I hit and the cop issues me a citation because I was at fault.

This didn't upset me though, what really bothered me was the feeling that followed after the accident happen. I just stood there, as the accident played in my head over and over again. I even began to think "man if I had stayed longer at the place "Chief" and I filmed", or "what if I we had ridden in one car that way I didn't drive." With all these thought  I found myself hanging my head down and just asking "Why, why did this have to happen?"

When I got home, just sat on the couch and began to think a lot. I began to worry about how I am going to pay for all this, or how am I going to get to work now? I felt so overwhelmed with all these thoughts and even more stressed out. I just found myself completely exhausted after beating myself up with my own thoughts.

Later on I went out to get something to eat for my mom and I (she let me drive her car, but not after telling me five times before I left the house to BE CAREFUL!!). I came back with dinner and we sat down and we prayed for our food, it was then that it all hit me and I just thank God. I thank God for keeping me safe, for keeping the people in the other car safe. For letting me even make it home with my mangled car. I thanked Him for being in my life and ultimately asked for help in all this because I know I can't do it alone. I finally found myself at peace after everything that happen.

The feeling that follows any tough time such as a car accident can be draining and sticks with you well after the actual event. Tonight though I am just thankful that no matter what hard thing comes into my life. God has and will guide me through them all. For that I feel completely at peace about.

Oh, and one final thing if your mom ever texts you randomly, be on the look out. Because that women knew when trouble was around you when you were little and they still sense that stuff even when you are older.

Just a thought.