Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thoughts on making mistakes.

Have you ever done something that you wished you hadn't? I really mean that, has there ever been a moments that you wished you could hit the rewind button and go back and let it play out in a different way. Bad consequences make spur of the moment life decisions hard. It's like one minute you are enjoying yourself in that moment only to wake up and have the rug pulled out from under you and BAM! You are in deep deep dookie. (Sorry for the kindergarten talk.)

This past week I was feeling overwhelmed a little bit and just stressed with some stuff in my life. I lost the feeling to really do anything and just seemed to float through the week. I started to notice and kept telling myself I needed to pick up the slack or wake up. The sad thing is, I was good at acting like I was going through it all but really I was somewhat going through the emotions. Well that all caught up to me this weekend. Now I am at a lost on what will happen and what to do...

Here are my thoughts; I am going to face them. All my troubles head on. No more running, no more being afraid of the outcome and not facing them. No matter how hard things get or how hard things will be I have no other choice but to face them. To apologize where I need to apologize and face the consequences and out come what ever they may be. It’s easy to say these things, but a whole lot harder to live them out. I am praying that I am able to be a man of character, a man of God and face my trouble, knowing that God has my back and its not His fault that I am going through hardships but my own. Although it is my fault I know that the Lord is there and I won't have to face these things alone.

These are just a few thoughts I have been processing.


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